Anonymous asked a question to Balazs S.
Category: Experience
Date asked: Monday, June 6, 2022
Last reviewed: Monday, June 6, 2022
Balazs S.
UK & IE Sales Operations Junior Manager
In all honesty? I came to the company through a fortunate coincidence of events, not necessarily a conscious choice at the time.
So the short answer is to purse challenges, keep the momentum of growth & push myself out of comfort zone.
Long answer:
Career path at GE customer services was on it’s end I pretty much worked within my comfort zone day by day which is nice & comfy from one side, but kills all motivation & career aspirations from the other hand!
An ex-GE colleague I worked together closely with has joined Vodafone Shared Services Budapest (aka _VOIS today) a rough year before I decided to leave GE.
One day she gave me a call unexpectedly sharing that she is about to leave VSSB (_VOIS) and all MNC’s to go back and purse her teaching career â also she said the company is great, just like her team, the spirit is outstanding, new tasks & challenger are always available, there are endless opportunities on the career path & her manager is fantastic (so fantastic she does not want to leave her down, so trying to find a good fit for the role to replace her) and wondering if I might be interested.
Well, I was interested! One of the best coincidences that happened to me.
Monday, June 6, 2022
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