Why did you choose to work in this industry?
Anonymous asked a question to Babita S.
Category: Experience
Date asked: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Last reviewed: Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Babita S.
Business Setup Specialist
That's a question I can write an essay on :)
âI have rejoined _VOISâ Which itself is a complete acknowledgement to this question.
I am glad to share my story with you; when I completed my Masters in Engineering, I was waiting for my appointment letter from a chemical based company.
Concurrently, I was looking for other jobs when a consultancy approached me for _VOIS. While I had no thoughts to be working with them for longer, I worked for 5 months with _VOIS and later left for a chemical based MNC, all I had in mind that I am a Chemical Engineer, and I would be able to justify my role there.
These 5 months that I worked with _VOIS had so much impact in my mind, that every now and then, I used to tell my colleagues in chemical industry about the difference in work culture, learning, career growth, and so on the comparison was ceaseless.
For almost a year, and finally I realized that networking and client support was something that I was really enjoying. But the question was still there, was it just a temporary delight or was I really indulged in learning Networking and Business Setup
And finally, I found my area of interest!!
I left the company and applied in _VOIS, waiting for the longest time to get my rejoining approved.
There was no way, I could afford to miss the chance to pursue my interest.
It took almost 12 months, and at last _VOIS approved me.
Not a single day since then, have I not adored the work that I do.
What _VOIS offers?
It offers opportunity to turn your interest into passion. For instance, I have been enrolled in a technical training program by _VOIS to learn Networking.
It offers Celebration, even the smallest of your input is appreciated
It's Work culture, with say no attitude your team and managers will be on toes to assist you.
I chose to work in this industry because of the platform it offered me to pursue my self-discovered interest in Business Development and Networking.
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
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