Picture of How does this company support women's career progression?

How does this company support women's career progression?

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Picture of Poonam
1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Poonam K.

Category: Diversity

Date asked: Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Last reviewed: Monday, December 12, 2022

Picture of Poonam K.

Poonam K.

Deputy General Manager CARE

Diversity and inclusion is one of our key purpose and the organization constantly works in providing equal opportunity to all. Me being a woman and mother to a 6 year old girl have constantly received all the support from leaders and the team to maintain a healthy work life balance while constantly learning and growing. We have multiple mentorship program along with some frequent webinars with senior women leadership which can help you shape and grow your career well.

Monday, December 12, 2022

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