Please tell me about the training when you first joined?
Anonymous asked a question to Ali A.
Category: Experience
Date asked: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Last reviewed: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Ali A.
Fixed Technical Lead
Hello and thanks for the question, my first training was a very long time ago now. It consists of business On-Boarding (introductory about the company and it's roots, different departments and roles, employee benefits walk-through, because the role was primarily about customer service, which differs hugely from my current technical role so the focus was on the various products we are delivering, so it was rich content of information about the services and products it self. there was also communication workshops and the practical part and it consists of tasks, simulation and shadowing.
In all every training here will consist of this 3 elements:
1. On-Boarding
2. On the job training
3.shadow (grace period, where you are accompanying an informative/expert college, who is doing the same job for a while.
Hope that helps
Have a nice day
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
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