Can you tell me what your first year was like?
1 response
Anonymous asked a question to Ali A.
Category: Experience
Date asked: Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Last reviewed: Thursday, July 14, 2022
Ali A.
Fixed Technical Lead
It was very challenging for me. It the first time for me in corporate life, first time customer service and it was also different, as I supposed to help the customer through webchat.
I have to learn many things find my own pace, absorb the system and keep going forward
On the other side I found the support from leadership, quality and also old colleagues.
So it was a bit hard but worthy. Worth to mention the first year I were not at my best as I was discovering everything around me, I kept trying, develop my skills. Once I got familiar with the system, KPIs, corporate life, every thing get smoother.
Thursday, July 14, 2022
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