Tell me some stories of things your company does to make LGBT employees feel at ease at work?
Anonymous asked a question to Nitin D.
Category: Diversity
Date asked: Monday, May 30, 2022
Last reviewed: Monday, May 30, 2022
Nitin D.
Business Analyst
Vodafone is proud to be a top Global Employer for LGBT+.
Below are few initiatives taken by Vodafone
1. Register as a Friend of LGBT+
2. Connect with our active networks
3. Support the Global Buddy Program
4. Access to LGBT+ resources, e.g. toolkits, training modules and news (a dedicated share point "Friends of LGBT+" is available to LGBT friends to understand the company's policy and initiatives across globe)
5. VOIS has been very supportive and hired colleagues from LGBT community.
6. VOIS has been supportive and vocal in the support initiative and have given platform to many of them to share their story. Such initiatives have help VOIS in bridging the misunderstanding and taboos that people carry.
7. Friends of LGBT+ campaign in _VOIS helped Friends of LGBT+ community in _VOIS grew from 72 to 1365, the highest across Vodafone.
Monday, May 30, 2022
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