Picture of Please tell me about a project you recently completed?

Please tell me about a project you recently completed?

Picture of Rujuta
1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Rujuta S.

Category: General

Date asked: mardi, mars 7, 2023

Last reviewed: vendredi, mars 17, 2023

Picture of Rujuta S.

Rujuta S.

Assistant Manager CARE

In my current line of business we work with cross site teams, across Egypt & India. Recently we started a standardization project to map productivity across both the sites. As both sites worked on different models we conducted a detailed overview of the partner requirement, upskilled our agents and over a period of 6 weeks achieved a standard operating model which made the operational view simpler and practical to present to the partners. While doing this we had to continuously take feedback from the frontline and implement changes on the go, we had to provide an achievable glide to make sure we get all to perform at the same level.

vendredi, mars 17, 2023

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