Tell me about your biggest challenge in the last 3 months?
Anonymous asked a question to Krishna K.
Category: Open positions
Date asked: Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Last reviewed: Monday, February 20, 2023
Krishna K.
Manager Nucleus Transformation
As we all are moving towards post covid era and hopefully we may not have any more waves , finger crossed.The biggest challange that
I personally faced was to keep a balance between working from home and working from office. Well most of us have now been working from home from past 2 years but slowly we feel the need of close team collaboration to get certain work and activity completed which via ONLINE method is not very productive. So many of us have started coming back to office which would help us perform better but it have its own challenge of leaving our comfort zone of home and travelling to office which does not fit in the existing routine .
But i can say that VOIS helped us in getting that sweet balance between work from office and work from home.
We were introduced with a HYBRID way of working where we were given a luxury to decide as a team the day in week when we will like to connect face to face to increase team collaboration and team building and for the rest of the week we can continue with our work from home with the clear road map and direction as discussed during the day when the team connected.
Also , it gave us the opprotunity to connect with the leadership face to face once in a week which i can personally say is very important for
an individual growth and also keep us aligned with the companies furture road map & Vision.
So this is one of major challenge i had which VOIS as an organization understood and proactively helped us in overcoming.
Will be happy to answer any followup question that you may have.
Monday, February 20, 2023
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