Picture of Why did you choose to work in this industry?

Why did you choose to work in this industry?

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Picture of Sunil
1 response

Anonymous asked a question to Sunil S.

Category: Experience

Date asked: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Last reviewed: Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Picture of Sunil S.

Sunil S.

GM Office IT

I read an article in Readers Digest long ago, how a system administrator successfully caught a hacker, this fascinated me as a young boy.
When started my career computers were being introduced in every sphere of life, banks, office, Educations, homes.
So aspired to be part of the computer revolution as it was very new and happening thing and everyone was saying this is the future and it seemed so at that time. Since then neither me nor the computers did miss an eventful journey.
In past Computers evolved to Hardware, Software, OS, DB, EDP to IT and last five years into Mobile Computing, Big Data, Cloud Computing, AI, FinTech etc. to name a few.
I Joined the telecom industry as IT person in 2003 and it also was a tremendous growth story and have evolved from 2G to impending 6G now, IoT, SDN and evolution of BSS/OSS stacks to now AI chatbots and copilot coding.
Still very bullish on IT and Telecom which is evolving to AI/ML software’s, Language Models, Quantum computing, Search engines are evolving to action engines and IT security has become a big area of focus.
So, to have long a good career I chose the IT and telecom which were sunrise industry at that time and had many sunrises moment since then, I can see many more sunrise moments to come.
But the journey starts from traded path of exiting technology and move to new technology over time, every disruption created new set of opportunities, if analyze today then three key things were handy 'ready to change’, 'optimism' and 'continuously learning new thing'.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

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