I started as 1st Line Tech Support eng.& now I'm a Technical Architect
I have started as first line support to many services to people in Vodafone , then Specialized in Live Webcasting Area with in Vodafone. used to support Live Events Production , Platform , servers backend and dealing with different vendor through different projects . I am now the service owner for the webcasting service owner within Office IT _VOIS Egypt
Technical Architect & webcasting service Owner.
As Webcasting Service Owner. it needs a highly Communication skills in addition to an Excellent technical capabilities as we are share in the Technical Architecture with the internal Developers. Mainly people in my Team heading End to End Responsibility of performing all necessary tasks related to Managing Live Event & Planning and designing the best fit platform/solution based on the business requirements.
Most of our Webcasting services now on Cloud managed by Meta ( Facebook ) , Microsoft and before we were dealing with onPrim/Cloud solution with Qumu Vendor.
Must oversee the development & Implementation of any New/current system and provide guidance to all involved teams due to criticality of dealing with the Group SLT ,Group EXCOs & CEO level. Accountable for making key decisions for any technical issues related to the Events after considering the capabilities of the Platforms used so being the key point for any issues raised within the Live event and provide immediate solution along with my Operation Team.
Communication with People and making sure people have the right info.
I like Communication with People . so getting involved in Service owner Role allow to communicate with many vendors , Accounts managers and internal users . I feel glade on making sure people have the right information because it drives better results. I thought Most business issues or drops may be because of poor communication or insufficient info.
So I feel responsible to keep everyone on the same page and getting. I feel Accountable for making key decisions for any technical issues related to the Live Events after considering the capabilities of the Platforms used so being the key point for any issues raised within the Live event and provide immediate solution and this is mainly done with my ops team Support and cooperation.
taking into considerations the Proactive actions or tasks to keep our Platforms really helps people.
Believe in yourself & Never Stop Learning
Big Goals Require Belief and Determination , So believe in yourself first–and put real effort behind that belief.
Try to say yes to the things that scare you & constantly challenge yourself and allow yourself to become better and learn new things. Never stop learning, Knowledge is the one of the most important things to advance your Career , it is not mandatory to be technical knowledge by the way as any simple new thing may improve the way you think , Look and deal with situations.
Challenging yourself can surprise you with the things you didn’t think you could do.
I Ran 4 projects on same time with very good customer feedback
According to Vodafone Tech 2025 strategy to move to Cloud Solution.as being responsible for Live webcasting Area and we already had a onprim Solution to Run our own Live webcasting service since 2013 . we have to think about how to Seamlessly move to Cloud with the minimal user impact. we spent a long time in project Planning to have 2 Decommission projects & 2 new service Enablement projects. starting from June 2021 we start Decommission our on Prim Solution till end on Sep and then imprase one Temp. Cloud Solution similar to the old one in the Look & feel with Same Vendor to avoid any users impactor Data Loss ( recording for users).
On Parallel Line , we were working on 2 new Cloud Live webcasting platforms with Meta ( facebook ) and Microsoft . by End of March 2022 we have fully decommissioned more than 120 servers , encourage people to move their old Content to other Cloud repository and one same time they are using our 2 new Live webcasting services .