From language studies to Tech-Lead with a master in Cloud Technologies
I started my journey in VIS "Vodafone International Services" many years ago as a web chat advisor, till the most pivotal moment of my career has been shown up and I moved internally to VSSE "Vodafone Shared Services Egypt", which later on changed to VOIS, this paved the way to my Journey in the technology field.
2 month after I went from technical solution coordinator to Data Engineer, then a new challenge has appeared and due to extra ordinary performance of our Data Engineering team, a new team for Voice Engineering was created and I was one of the new pioneers who begun this new role.
Lately I have been promoted to Fixednet Technical lead, where ,among others, I am responsible for escalation handling, synergy between Engineering and Incident Management team "build phase and operation phase" , training and upskilling new and existing colleagues.
Helping others to do / be better
Pave the way for exploring new edge technologies and be familiar with it
Orchestrating the collaboration between Engineering and Incident teams
Just keep trying over and over again!
Be curios and explore new things!
Challenge your self!
Help others!
Be yourself!
It OK to feel not OK, just take a break and continue what you started!
held master in Cloud Technologies with full time job and a father of 3
To excel in your career in a very dynamic and challenging area you have to concentrate all your attention on your main specialization, as a Voice Engineer my main focus was on Voice technologies, Collaboration solution and among others networking.
In 2019 I joined a 2 years professional master program in Cloud technologies, which I finished successfully in 2021, that was not too easy, especially when you are full time employee and in the same time a father of 3 kids.
The journey shall be continue as I have enrolled in another academic diploma and just finished my first year.
It is a long journey but it worth ...