Describe the most challenging aspect of your role?
Anonymous asked a question to Nitin D.
Category: Role challenge
Date asked: Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Last reviewed: Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Nitin D.
Business Analyst
A business analyst might be another position in an organization, but its roles and responsibilities play a vital role in an organization’s success. While he needs to be a good orator, he should possess the quality of bringing people closers to his team and across. His roles are not limited to a specific step in project management. He is required one overstep till the end. From the initial stages of evaluation to the maintenance, a company needs a business analyst’s skill. Below are few key responsibilities of BA role which I perform: -
- Understand Business need and gathering requirement.
- Conducting meetings with developing team and stakeholders.
- Checking on feasibility & system possibilities to execute.
- Analysis & present the details
- Implementation of the project
- Testing
- Documentation & training
Stakeholder management is the most challenging and interesting aspect of my role and I love it. Everyday you deal with new scenarios or requirements, you get a chance to experiment and learn fast.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
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