Anonymous asked a question to Filip F.
Category: Role challenge
Date asked: mardi, février 28, 2023
Last reviewed: vendredi, mars 17, 2023
Filip F.
Portfolio Governance Lead
The hardest part of my job would probably be trying to keep all of the different people and moving parts involved in a project organized and on track. With multiple stakeholders, deadlines, and tasks to keep track of, it can be overwhelming at times. However, I find that the challenge of juggling all aspects of the project while keeping everyone informed and on the same page is also rewarding. I'm constantly learning how to be a better communicator, negotiator, and problem solver. I have to continuously communicate with stakeholders, manage resources, delegate tasks, track progress, resolve issues, and ensure timelines are met. It might seem like a difficult job at times, but I'm up for the challenge and I'm always looking for ways to improve my skills, I take it one step at a time and use my (almost) never-ending enthusiasm and experience to help me stay on top of it all. I also rely on my team to help me be successful, and I make sure to recognize and reward everyone’s hard work. In the end, the satisfaction of seeing a project come together is worth all the effort.
vendredi, mars 17, 2023
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